Thursday 26 April 2018

What I want, 2016 Edition

I’ve done this twice before. I think it is a good idea, maybe I should do it once a year at least.I should read the others before I write this, but I’m not. I’m going all out for the 2016 being differ_ Magnolia:How do i move on or what should I Do?(22 April 2018) Magnolia:When he was [...]

Sometimes she'll start acting weird, like off, and will be mad at all of us it seems.
(21 April 2018)

I feel like she has been annoyed with me lately and doesn't want to talk to me.
(21 April 2018)

They took away the TV downstairs, and have started putting passwords on certain shows on netflix, like pg-13 ones, and I've always been allowed to watch them.
(21 April 2018)

It was fine after that but now she has started putting passwords on the computers so that I can't use certain apps, and changing our browsers to weird ones.
(21 April 2018)

I got a pretty bad grade in one of my classes earlier this year (I'm in high school) and I got my phone taken away for that.
(21 April 2018)

I just want her to be happy and my family to be happy.
(21 April 2018)

And I don't want it to seem like I hate her.
(21 April 2018)

My mom seems to be acting strange lately.
(21 April 2018)

What does the manager likely think of my friend now?
(21 April 2018)

What are some possible reasons he was sent home and what the manager likely thinks of him now?
(21 April 2018)

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