Friday 6 April 2018

Happy Birthday Christy!

Christy Canyon is a retired pornographic actress and American radio personality. This California beauty was born today in 1966 and has 119 performer credits. Thank you Christy! (2006 photo by Luke_ Willetta:I was asked by the state what my adoption preferences were and I said I would like to adopt a caucasian child.(28 March 2018) Willetta:I’ve been [...]

I carried her to the bedroom and there s was more making out and fondling but she wouldn t let me penetrate.
(2 April 2018)

She took off her top and everything else so I responded in kind.
(2 April 2018)

Second date lead to us going back to my place and she jumped my bones, I asked if she wanted something to drink and the next thing I know she was on top of me I reacted as any red blooded man would.
(2 April 2018)

First date we kissed and made out a little then got in our cars and went our separate ways.
(2 April 2018)

Met a really hot lady, had a great couple of dates.
(2 April 2018)

Zentai-zone or zentaizentai?
(2 April 2018)

Does anyone know where place is better zentaizentai or zentaizone?
(2 April 2018)

I am trying to order a costume but I am not sure where to order from.
(2 April 2018)

My mother found out I smoked pot what now?
(2 April 2018)

After that I said something that made her even more angry and then she hit me in the ear now I can t hear in that ear.
(2 April 2018)

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