Saturday 2 September 2017

Wednesdays 2-3-2016

Picture of Wednesday night 2-03-2916_ Pauletta:I have heard talk that there is some vaping going on, but I have heard that from adults, so who knows if they know the truth about kids and there illicit activities.(1 September 2017) Pauletta:When I was a teen it was cigarettes and the usual alcohol and marijuana consumption.(1 September 2017) Pauletta:They usually [...]

How do I stay yet be visible and adumaed and appreciated as mu colleague?
(30 August 2017)

Don t suggest to leave this job.
(30 August 2017)

I am starting to feel Tiffany demotivated.
(30 August 2017)

I thought my work will speak for itself but that s not the case.
(30 August 2017)

I know I am the polite, very polished sorts but that comes across and shy and nervous maybe to most people.
(30 August 2017)

I don t understand this I have an infant at home yet I don t neglect my work my colleague is single stays near office yet she takes everything lightly then why is she so visibly praised.
(30 August 2017)

Today in a very imp meeting with the branch head she arrived late and the branch head praised her saying she is so busy making sales pitch that he is late.
(30 August 2017)

We both ask a questions and only her question are told as great questions.
(30 August 2017)

My bosses passss by her and gives her individual attention while completely ignoring me.
(30 August 2017)

My colleague who joined the same day as me is extremely unpunctual comes 10-15 mins late everyday, took 2 days off the second day at work and is away at lunch break for long period yet my Bosses are always praising and appreciating her.
(30 August 2017)

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