Monday 4 September 2017

I wish I could read emails from Gold Members

However I can’t. Which is why I have set up a private mailbox on my blog.For those that are trying to contact me, please visit my blog.See you there!_ Setsuko:I really don’t care about his business.(4 September 2017) Setsuko:It’s always ‘take this course’ or ‘do this thing’s.(4 September 2017) Setsuko:I feel like taking it over just to shut [...]

She was already married but I figured she was cool with me just like the other coworkers were that worked there.
(1 September 2017)

This woman at work used to kid around with me and tease me, and she gave me the impression that she was cool with me.
(1 September 2017)

I smiled at my crush and he dilate his eyes and smiled back very widely at me, is he just being friendly or does he like me?
(1 September 2017)

Do I tell the guy I like that I like him? I'm gay and I am unsure if he is?
(1 September 2017)

But should I sit next to him, get to know him more, and then take my chances and tell him?
(1 September 2017)

I want to make sure my impression of him is correct.
(1 September 2017)

I don't plan to tell him how I feel so soon.
(1 September 2017)

The seat next to him is normally empty, but I'm scared to sit there.
(1 September 2017)

I don't normally sit next him; everyone seems to dedicated to their sitting arrangements.
(1 September 2017)

His smiles almost felt flirtatious, but that could be my own bias; me interpreting him through my desire.
(1 September 2017)

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