Saturday 4 February 2017

So, I’m super curious here

And I’m just wondering, here. What’s the point of messaging a woman you’re 20 years or more outside of the age range of, simply to whine that you think she’s stuck up, or likes herself too much?Like,_ Dorathy:No one knows about the pictures except him and me, as far as I know.(2 February 2017) Dorathy:We’re still kind [...]

Is a 10mg strong?
(4 February 2017)

My boyfriend is smarter than me and I don't know what to do?
(4 February 2017)

I am 21 and he is 28 if that makes any difference.
(4 February 2017)

He later apologized saying that wasn't his intention to make me feel that way but more so it's frustrations with himself that he can't explain the book in a more comprehensible way.
(4 February 2017)

Tonight he seemed frustrated and said never mind while explaining his latest book and I told him this frustrates me that he stops talking about it because he feels that is pointless because I won't understand.
(4 February 2017)

It makes me so sad to the point of tears.
(4 February 2017)

I try my best to be a good girlfriend and have all ears when he does, but I feel so inadequate when I don't fully comprehend what he's talking about.
(4 February 2017)

He is a literature major so he enjoys talking about books but his talks go beyond just what happens in the story.
(4 February 2017)

I feel very inferior in a sense that I'm not smart like him.
(4 February 2017)

I so wish to keep him in my life, but we are very different people.
(4 February 2017)

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