Tuesday 21 February 2017

Wanna meet a real friend?… Here I am ;)

Tucson, Arizona //meelp.com/profile/badgirlly Celia:I blame my daughter in law because she never made an effort with our side of the family and her parents live in town.(20 February 2017) Celia:I have two grand children that I have never met.(20 February 2017) Augustine:I found him on fb and added him.(20 February 2017) Augustine:Boy 2: I met him [...]

I honestly feel he doesn't care about me or my feelings.
(21 February 2017)

It is not about gifts that I'm upset but the fact that he doesn't make any attempts to make me feel special on those days.
(21 February 2017)

I have told him how I feel but does nothing to change.
(21 February 2017)

It bothers me because I pay bills and rent and I still get him gifts.
(21 February 2017)

I would of been happy with him telling me happy Valentine's Day.b For the last couple of years it has been the same no matter what the occasion is.
(21 February 2017)

Been married to my husband for 8yrs and this Valentine's Day again he didn't got me anything or even acknowledged me.
(21 February 2017)

Does a girlfriend have to meet the family?
(21 February 2017)

It make sense to see where you came from but why should that matter if you already know where that person comes from by looking into their eyes?
(21 February 2017)

My brother seems to visit with his wife like once a month which is totally fine.
(21 February 2017)

Or would it be best to just not have her meet them or just keep it to a minimum?
(21 February 2017)

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