Wednesday 1 February 2017

Cliche shit on profiles

Note: I did edit this, as I did come off very strong, so I amended it to be less confrontational. OK, one of the things I see on profiles, this applies mainly to men’s profiles, is the phrase, “quali_ Lawrence:My friend makes me watch the Weather Channel every week whenever there’s something on about tornadoes she [...]

Not from my perspective but from hers?
(31 January 2017)

Is it weird to catch up with someone when you've seen them around but haven't spoken to them after a long time?
(31 January 2017)

We weren't that close at all really, we'd have conversations every now and then but I was drawn to her in lessons and every time I see her on the street I just wanna say hello and start something, so I'm gonna do that as soon as possible.
(31 January 2017)

We go to the same college but haven't spoken since school which was summer 2015, and it feels like we're so far apart.
(31 January 2017)

They haven't gone, even with college making it very hard to speak to her.
(31 January 2017)

Hi so basically I have feelings for a girl I went to school with.
(31 January 2017)

What happens to the wife and kids if a couple divorces?
(31 January 2017)

And the woman has no job, no skills and no work experience?
(31 January 2017)

Dad is telling me to get less working hours?
(31 January 2017)

He s partly asking this because last Saturday I didn t go into work because I was too tired (I barely slept). Is he right in telling me to do this?
(31 January 2017)

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