Friday 18 November 2016

Tres Franche

Port-au-Prince, Ouest, Haiti // Laverne:What is sad is that the characters are in the same age forever although we still have a crush on them and we real people get older.(1 November 2016) Santana:Why will she text me but not hang out with me in person?(1 November 2016) Santana:But idont get it because she keeps [...]

And tonight, I'm going to a hockey game and he's going to be there, and his girlfriend might be there as well.
(18 November 2016)

That hurt me because we usually always talked in public, and now she's trying to control him and who he talks to.
(18 November 2016)

I heard it from my other friend, so I asked him and he said that she did say that, but he's still going to talk to me, just not when she is around.
(18 November 2016)

The worst part is that this girl is telling him not to talk to any of his friends who are girls, especially me.
(18 November 2016)

He later texted me and said that he feels bad and still kind of likes me, but I don't want to ruin their relationship, because she is my friend.
(18 November 2016)

And out of nowhere, they started dating yesterday when I was right there.
(18 November 2016)

Is there such a girl? because I want her for christmas....?
(18 November 2016)

Suddenly lost feeling in hands?
(18 November 2016)

I like this guy I work with who lives in another state?
(18 November 2016)

Sometimes I wish he would move here.
(18 November 2016)

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