Sunday 27 November 2016

We also found some interesting patterns in what people think

But what does the general public think about inequality and the many ways it manifests in daily life? And how do factors like age, gender, or political leanings relate to our views on inequality? So far, the data show a consistent knowledge gap. In reality, the average CEO makes the same as 303 average workers … Continue reading "We also found some interesting patterns in what people think"

I am 23 and he is 26. I am wanting to move out in a few months, have saved lots of money, but secretly want to do it on my own... can't decide if I want to move in with him.
(26 November 2016)

My boyfriend and I have been dating for over 2 years.
(26 November 2016)

Mother in laws boyfriend asked inappropriate question?
(26 November 2016)

I'm so disgusted by him and mad at myself. what is the best way to handle this?
(26 November 2016)

I was stunned and I wish now I had been more assertive and told him that I felt his question was so inappropriate.
(26 November 2016)

I laughed if off, and said I wasn't giving him any details.
(26 November 2016)

My mother in law lightly hit his arm and told him to stop.
(26 November 2016)

After dinner the other night, sitting at the table with just my Mother-in-law and her boyfriend, out of the blue he asks me when my first sexual relationship was.
(26 November 2016)

Why do nazis come to this site?
(26 November 2016)

Why can I not enjoy anything?
(26 November 2016)

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