Friday 4 November 2016

Read on for some simple ways to make this happen

When you look in the mirror and see how you look, you ought to smile. You will find yourself smiling more throughout the day, which will rub off on those around you. Do not pump your mascara brush up and down inside the tube before applying it. This will not result in more mascara on [...]

She's so ugly, children throw peanuts at her, but I don't care because she sure can cook.
(3 November 2016)

I NEED HELP BADLY so people say that in a point in your life somebody is going to pressure you to do something?
(3 November 2016)

Why is it so hard to make women orgasm? You gotta do all this foreplay and mind games n shyt to make the orgasm? WTF?
(3 November 2016)

Get out of your heads and free yourselves....
(3 November 2016)

You ladies get so caught up on irrelevant shyt.
(3 November 2016)

You gotta do wxy AND z to make me orgasm.
(3 November 2016)

You girls are trapped in your own heads.
(3 November 2016)

Is this HOCD and if so how can it be helped?
(3 November 2016)

Why wont these thoughts go away. i never want to act on them and it is making me ill.
(3 November 2016)

I get terrible anxiety and fears and it makes me wanna just punch a wall or scream.
(3 November 2016)

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