Thursday 24 November 2016

Rambling thoughts-seeking the companionship of

I have often found myself seeking the company of strangers, since my early teenage years when I first came across internet chat rooms. I was immediately hooked. You could be whoever you wanted to be // Roselyn:I thought it was funny at the time, but know I think I might of done real damage he still [...]

No we didnt use protection, he was only in me for a couple minutes.
(24 November 2016)

Lost virginity last Friday, took plan b Tuesday and have been worrying if I'm pregnant or not.
(24 November 2016)

What if a friend blaims you for not understanding their flakiness?
(24 November 2016)

I have no idea how to react on this, she is always there when you just need to talk to someone but then again I am tired of being treated this way.
(24 November 2016)

Anyway she gave me an ultimatum about whether I want to end our friendship and she is waiting for me to answer.
(24 November 2016)

I told her that she is a very good friend but I want to set boundaries from now on, because she has bailed me last minute multiple times.
(24 November 2016)

Next day I texted my flaky friend since she never gives me space to speak out.
(24 November 2016)

She apologized profusely many times.
(24 November 2016)

Recently another friend of mine that always meets up, cancelled just an hour before the event when I was about the leave the house, we agreed same day to meet after 6 hours.
(24 November 2016)

This time there was not even an excuse she told me that she was not in the mood I can figure out myself how to cancel tickets since my sister arranged the event.
(24 November 2016)

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