Tuesday 22 November 2016

Playing instrumental music or nature seems can ease your mind as well as help you relax

Learning to control your chain of thoughts plus some relaxation tips can perform wonder for your personal stress management. There are plenty of methods that can help you relax, and you can pick one that will suit you should. A few would even recommend dancing to the song of the music to produce the tension … Continue reading "Playing instrumental music or nature seems can ease your mind as well as help you relax"

He wouldn't expect anything in return.
(21 November 2016)

He would listen to me while I complained and talk about other things.
(21 November 2016)

He would bring me food and sometimes, he would bring me my favorite drink.
(21 November 2016)

I told him that I never wanted him to ignore me because he's amazing and sweet to me.
(21 November 2016)

I don't know why (I really don't), but this friend of mine won't respond to my calls and texts.
(21 November 2016)

Would it work out for an introvert to date an extrovert, or is it better to date an introvert also?
(21 November 2016)

Because while loud people who talk a lot and always want to go out annoy me, I still want someone who is a little more open than me because I prefer to be the quieter one in the relationship. idk the balance here.
(21 November 2016)

Is my FWB becoming more at this point?
(21 November 2016)

I ve never had a fwb situation really as such and seems like more at this point.
(21 November 2016)

I was thrown off a little by the things he began doing like covering tabs, carrying my bags, buying gifts, public kissing and wanting to hold hands.Even switching his flight to my flight to travel back together since we arrived separate.
(21 November 2016)

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