Friday 4 November 2016

Looking for a Sugar Daddy maybe?

Looking for some company from time to time. Female, 23-50.. I am a white male, 52. Interested,, send a pic or two, and something about yourself. If you send me just a picture with no text, or ask me to go to another email acct to contact you, I will consider you just another spammer. [...]

So a few days ago i asked if she wanted anything from dunkin donuts but she was sick and did not come to school but she said that was so nice of me to ask and she sent me a heart emoji.
(3 November 2016)

We just started talking a lot more recently too.
(3 November 2016)

So there is this girl in my class and i like her.
(3 November 2016)

Why does my mantis always stick her legy in the air?
(3 November 2016)

24 days after sex and negative pregnancy test?
(3 November 2016)

Is this something i should even be second guessing?
(3 November 2016)

Two ovarian cysts were found on the one ovary i have though.
(3 November 2016)

I waited 24 days and went to my obgyn's office to test for pregnancy.
(3 November 2016)

Dizzy spells that won't go away?
(3 November 2016)

I recently found out I am pregnant and am wondering if it could effect the baby or put the baby at risk in any way?
(3 November 2016)

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