Tuesday 15 November 2016

Legend has it that the winged horses are too fast to be mounted by mortals

Linky at the bottom of this post. Please post a link to a post featuring a travel photo, not simply a link to your blog. Sitting at a beer and chicken joint with a prime view of the opening ceremonies we waited and waited some more. This first photo is just as they ended._ Holley:It…

I'm just sitting there minding my own business and damn I can't believe how much she talks.
(14 November 2016)

I'm sorry, but all she does is tap her mouth non-stop.
(14 November 2016)

Was it a one night stand (guys perspective)?
(14 November 2016)

Age gap in a relationship?
(14 November 2016)

And if the guy is 25 and the girl is 17?
(14 November 2016)

If a guy is 28 and the girl is 20 is it a big deal?
(14 November 2016)

Is it weird to have developed a close special friendship with someone older than you? Or beneficial?
(14 November 2016)

We always call each other, check up on each other's health an so forth.
(14 November 2016)

Although I cherish our friend ship we have, we both have been through a lot together and are always so supportive to each other daily.
(14 November 2016)

Of course I have tons of friends my age, of all ages really.
(14 November 2016)

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