Tuesday 22 November 2016

Just drew those so you can see her outfit and colors

Not the brightest crayon in the box though. I like to draw a lot and have been doing little comics since I was very young, nothing professional. Big fan of almost anything animated. Current favorite cartoons are Gravity Falls and Steven Universe, though Phineas and Ferb is my all time favorite._ Kimbery:What does it mean if [...]

Are her armpits shaved?
(21 November 2016)

Just a random funny debate we're having.
(21 November 2016)

She's saying they are, I'm claiming they look stubbly.
(21 November 2016)

What's the point of marriage vows?
(21 November 2016)

Some people file for divorce so whats the point of marriage vows?
(21 November 2016)

Birth Control Pills question, please help!?
(21 November 2016)

I hardly have sex and when I do, we use condoms.
(21 November 2016)

And today, which is Monday I started my antibiotic pill, but I m thinking I should wait til next Monday when my anitbiotic medication is done to take my birth control.
(21 November 2016)

Yesterday was Sunday and I took sundays birth control pill.
(21 November 2016)

I was also prescribed an antibiotic pill for a vaginal infection I have, which I have to take 3 times a day.
(21 November 2016)

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