Thursday 24 November 2016

In need of sex

Fort Collins, Colorado // Becky:Sugarbaby or nah?(4 November 2016) Becky:I want someone who is willing to pay for school for me - grad school is expensive and in return I can offer companionship.(4 November 2016) Becky:I’ve heard of other girls saying they do not provide any sexual acts , just companionship.(4 November 2016) Becky:I was thinking [...]

Why do some ppl not bathe when they know damn well they likely will get a piece that night?
(24 November 2016)

I am serious...I just want to understand their rationale for not bathing......
(24 November 2016)

It can't be that sex is always spontaneous... Do they like being rank and animalistic...we are animals too but what about common courtesy and decency?
(24 November 2016)

You bathe before going out into society to be accepted but some don't bathe prior or even the same day before sex?
(24 November 2016)

I don't like my girlfriend's sister?
(24 November 2016)

Even their other family notice it like their cousins.
(24 November 2016)

I have talked to my girlfriend about the judgey stare before but I haven't brought it up since but it makes me upset when her sister treats my girlfriend like a slave.
(24 November 2016)

I will be talking to my girlfriend and I'll say an inside joke to her or talk about something we like and her sister will say wtf or give me a judgey stare.
(24 November 2016)

My girlfriends mom and dad love me but everything I do her sister judges me.
(24 November 2016)

Her sister is an adult She doesn't do much for my girlfriend except talk to her when she is having a problem and her sister is very rude to me.
(24 November 2016)

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