Monday 21 November 2016

I swear I really do…

like men. But lately it just seems like I am snake bit and jinxed when it comes to finding a friend and playmate. I was going to mention the latest episode, but suffice it to say, if you want to hang // Cristin:Do any of you guys like this name?(3 November 2016) Sarita:Could I be pregnant help!?(3 [...]

Plus blocked his family and friends so they won't know if I had the baby or was telling the truth.
(21 November 2016)

I'm 17 by the way and we live in different cities so it won't matter.
(21 November 2016)

So I told him I was having an abortion so I don't lose this baby.
(21 November 2016)

He doesn't even want the baby, but acting to be a good parent by having the baby have his last name, have the baby more than me, and what not.
(21 November 2016)

He left once and I told him I was going to have an abortion and he thinks I am, but I only said that so he's not involved with my baby.
(21 November 2016)

Well me and my ex are having a baby.
(21 November 2016)

Is it a good sign for a guy to smile and say hello?
(21 November 2016)

Is he just being friendly or could he be attracted?
(21 November 2016)

This guy I met recently works at my local shops, he makes eye contact and he smiled at me while saying hello too.
(21 November 2016)

What do i do after stillbirth and breakup?
(21 November 2016)

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