Thursday 3 November 2016

Coffee for Christmas

As a New Year’s resolution, I vowed to put aside a dollar everytime my wife and I had sex and use any money collected for her Christmas Present. So far, it looks like she’ll be getting a cup of coffee // Lara:On the other hand my family is very poor…living paycheck to paycheck.(20 October 2016) Lara:Her family [...]

Why won't my wife ask about Thanksgiving plans?
(2 November 2016)

I want to know who's bringing what so we don't have too much of one dish or not enough or none of other dishes.
(2 November 2016)

Ok, I've been trying to get a menu so we can start preparing but again my wife hasn't asked for that.
(2 November 2016)

She's scared to ask her mom for that.
(2 November 2016)

I asked my wife for more info on the unites like maybe a website or something and she says her mom is not info or tech savy so she doesn't have that.
(2 November 2016)

This place has rollout sofas and we could take our queen sized air mattress for several others and sleeping bags for the younger kids.
(2 November 2016)

I figured my in-laws could take the 1 br unit and us along with my sis-in-law would bunk in the 2 br spot.
(2 November 2016)

My wife's sister and her 4 kids. the inlaws, another sister and another niece and nephew.
(2 November 2016)

My wife and I and our 3 grown kids.
(2 November 2016)

That opens the door for sleeping arrangements.
(2 November 2016)

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