Tuesday 8 November 2016

Am sick and tired of seeing the same old people everyday, on the driveway, street, and school. Life

Benin, Edo, Nigeria //meelp.com/profile/Bluetoothlove Thao:Would an older man date a younger woman who is much more physically capable than him?(24 October 2016) Thao:A lady who is much faster, stronger, physically fit, lot of extra stamina and wind?(24 October 2016) Thao:Hypothetically speaking, like a 46 yr old dating a 25 yr old.(24 October 2016) Valda:This hot girl [...]

Should I go to her house for thanksgiving?
(7 November 2016)

I don't want to ruin their thanksgiving, should I go?
(7 November 2016)

My family has never been big on holidays so it's just another day for me.
(7 November 2016)

The times I've gone to her family events I never felt welcomed.
(7 November 2016)

We've been dating for a year and some months.
(7 November 2016)

I'm picking her up from the airport.
(7 November 2016)

She's coming in for thanksgiving from college and I don't know if I want to go to thanksgiving with her family.
(7 November 2016)

She invited me to her house for thanksgiving but I'm unsure if I should go. her family doesn't like me for her.
(7 November 2016)

I'm 37 weeks pregnant and I've had trouble getting up and down stairs for over a month now. Should I feel guilty for wanting help?
(7 November 2016)

There are times when he seems to be aggravated when I ask him to help me but most of the time he's a gentleman about it.
(7 November 2016)

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