Sunday 11 September 2016

What should you keep an eye on during an interval workout?

Okay, do you have Polar Flow all ready to go? If you only use one training view, use this. This is the workhorse of training views: reliable, versatile and robust. When you start a new section, you should also start a new lap. A progressive run is one in which you up the intensity of … Continue reading What should you keep an eye on during an interval workout?

Not working together anymore with my bf (job) ???
(10 September 2016)

The only way is after class for like a minute.
(10 September 2016)

It's hard to smile because he doesn't look at you he looks down.
(10 September 2016)

He's always alone doing his thing and the only way for him to notice me is by talking to him.
(10 September 2016)

The only thing he's done is open my door once and I said thank you.
(10 September 2016)

He speaks Spanish too and I speak Spanish.
(10 September 2016)

He doesn't speak to anyone except for this one person that helps the students in the class and I heard him talk and he sounds like a nice person.
(10 September 2016)

I'm interested in this guy in my college class.
(10 September 2016)

Poll: Do you like to express yourself?
(10 September 2016)

To men: You are stuck on an island with a woman who you find attractive... but she wants nothing sexually to do with you..?
(10 September 2016)

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