Tuesday, 13 September 2016

No Games Please!!

Having been on this site for only a few months, Ive made a lot of friends and read a lot of profiles unfortunately Ive also been having my time and efforts wasted by that small percentage of people w_ Delaine:My friend lies to me! Help?(5 September 2016) Delaine:Should I comfort him and tell him how I feel?(5 [...]

I have no one to sit with at lunch?
(12 September 2016)

I dont want to keep skipping lunch but honestly if i cant find people to sit with im going to just skip and hide in the bathroom or work on hw in the library because i cant handle lunch.
(12 September 2016)

I suck at making conversation bc im always so nervous and shy.
(12 September 2016)

How do i make new friends or at least find someone to sit with at lunch?
(12 September 2016)

Today i jut sat in the back between two groups of friends and then in the last fige minutes went to buy a drink and hid in the bathroom until the bell.
(12 September 2016)

I have social anxiety and its extremely hard for me to talk to strangers and i hate sitting alone at lunch.
(12 September 2016)

Today (Monday) I went to eat lunch and my friend ditched me and im sure theyre going to do it again.
(12 September 2016)

That was last thursday and friday.
(12 September 2016)

For the first week me and the friend who started ditching me would sit with this freshman and then i skipped lunch for two days whne that friend was out sick.
(12 September 2016)

Sophomore and Freshman year my squad and i all miraculously had the same lunch.
(12 September 2016)

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