Friday 9 September 2016

Maybe I have something wrong with me, but

I was watching BBC news this morning, and the BBC program DIY SOS ( the big build) was appealing for more tradesmen to help this charitable event convert 60 derelict houses to habitable homes for ex_ Ernestina:I’ve had many many manyyyyy talks about that to him but I just don’t know what to do here.(1 September [...]

My point is that neither of us have any form of contact with her (the three of us are good friends), and she doesn t have any way of contact at all either.
(8 September 2016)

Let s just say there were complications and strickness involved.
(8 September 2016)

Of course me and her boyfriend were shocked.
(8 September 2016)

I have a friend that moved back to illinois unexpectedally.
(8 September 2016)

Is there hope?
(8 September 2016)

Could he be waiting a few days to text me or is it a lost cause?
(8 September 2016)

I know I'm not over him, no matter how hard I've tried to be.
(8 September 2016)

He didn't text me all day but I also don't know why he would have replied to me in the first place if he was so over me.
(8 September 2016)

All he said back was I appreciate that and I chose not to respond because he said that back hours later.
(8 September 2016)

He responded which shocked me and we texted a good bit and later he asked why I contacted him and I told him I wanted to hear from him and tell him how I regretted how awful I was to him because I was very mean.
(8 September 2016)

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