Monday 12 September 2016


新的一年新的开始给自己希望给别人机会开开心心的_ Josie:My son had a blast at cousin camp, and it was better than our usual gatherings because it was so well organized, but the rudeness of my SIL and sister make it difficult to want to plan again.(4 September 2016) Josie:I went out to eat with my sister (who I had voiced my hurt feelings to) [...]

My friends don t really like her that much so I don t know what to do?
(11 September 2016)

What do you think I should do to help her?
(11 September 2016)

So I have a friend who is in a different friend group than me, and she just texted me and said that she feels like she isn t being herself and she wants out of that group.
(11 September 2016)

Por q hay mujeres q no usan la epidural anestesia cuando van a parir?
(11 September 2016)

Por que hay mujeres q se aguantan las contracciones?
(11 September 2016)

Yo no entiendo sera q no les duele tanto?
(11 September 2016)

I like this girl...?
(11 September 2016)

Do still talk to her or do I move on and look for someone else?
(11 September 2016)

I see her in the hall from time to time and she screams my name kinda like she is surprised to see me.
(11 September 2016)

She told me that towards then end of the school year last year and this year I haven't talked to her at all.
(11 September 2016)

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