Wednesday 31 August 2016

Rebel flag cemetery

[image]Ran across this Rebel flag & cemetery for civil war veterans on my travels thought it was great!!!!! you would have to see it in person to understand how huge it is ._ Ginny:But when we are cuddling or making out He likes to grab like he fattest parts of me.(25 August 2016) Ginny:I noticed early on [...]

I get there's the factor of phones and social media, but nobody is hardly social anymore its kind of annoying.
(30 August 2016)

Why is my generation so uninterested talking face to face?
(30 August 2016)

I tried talking to some of the other girls in my class who sit next to me making basic conversation and none of them seem interested or they shut down the conversation immediately by not responding.
(30 August 2016)

I moved in a few days ago and me and my roommate are getting along just fine, but I'm having a hard time making friends.
(30 August 2016)

I think I just lost the girl of my dreams and I blame myself for it should I tho?
(30 August 2016)

Fast forward two weeks she said that she lost interest in me was this my fault?
(30 August 2016)

A little bit after we had met in person the next day she asked was I free to see her again because she was off work but I had told her I had something to do that day and anyway almost every day after that day we had met she kept asking to see me again.
(30 August 2016)

So I ended up meeting her that next day and we had went to the park and just sat and talked for a couple hours she was so happy to see me and I was so nervous but so excited to finally overcome my fear and just meet her.
(30 August 2016)

Anyway like a day or so before we had met she gave me an option either I meet her the next day or she's just gonna delete my number so I had to meet her because I really liked her and really didn't want to lose her over something stupid.
(30 August 2016)

It was about a month and a half before we had finally met and the reason for this is because I was really nervous and scared to meet her because I've never really met anyone in person that I've talked to on the internet.
(30 August 2016)

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