Thursday 6 February 2020

It is Finished!

Signed the papers a few hours ago. Now it just has to go sit on a judge’s desk till it gets signed. I found out i don’t have to pay extra to go back to using my original name. Super hyped abou_ Miguelina:In 24 hours in a day, I stand up or walk around for typically [...]

My divorce was finalized last month and we separated in June.
(2 February 2020)

Why is this boy shaking around me?
(2 February 2020)

He makes eye contact with me at times and smiles but its like he is very shy.
(2 February 2020)

I find it really strange I don't get it.
(2 February 2020)

Anytime I go to him to pay for things before I go he is always very nice but is shaking when I am paying him.
(2 February 2020)

I have noticed anytime im sitting down with friends he is looking over and glances away.
(2 February 2020)

I chat with the bartender there quite regularly and he's pretty friendly.
(2 February 2020)

Is my ex wife entitled to half of this money?
(2 February 2020)

Should I share the money with her?
(2 February 2020)

My ex wife said that because we live in a community property state, she was entitled to half of the money her mother sent me because when I did the work I was married to her.
(2 February 2020)

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