Saturday 10 August 2019


I’m wet horny_ Avis:He gets violent and loud when things don’t go his way, and has told me multiple times that he doesn’t care about me or my family, and especially doesn’t care how his actions effect us.(3 August 2019) Avis:I have tried to talk to him about stuff as his older sister, but backed off because [...]

How do I stop my son from wetting the bed?
(7 August 2019)

There's a dad's friend whom I deeply hate 'cause he pushed him to divorce my mom, I wish he dies soon and painfully, is that hatred healthy?
(7 August 2019)

So, this guy. Abraham. He heard a voice telling him to kill his kid, followed it, and he's considered a hero?
(7 August 2019)

Skinny white Boy joey Vega?
(7 August 2019)

Both of us are guys we have a daughter we had her through a surrogate mother like most gay couples do.
(7 August 2019)

He's also transgender so it possible.
(7 August 2019)

He's been really tired lately he been sleeping till 10:30 or 11 he never sleeps that long we go to bed at 9. He's been craving for a lot of food mostly Chinese he's been eating it the last couple days.
(7 August 2019)

He's been acting weird lately he's been having emotional problems which is normal for him but they seem to be worse.
(7 August 2019)

How can I get makeup out of my shirt now while I am at work?
(7 August 2019)

How can I get it out now before going home to wash it?
(7 August 2019)

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