Monday 8 April 2019

Let it Snow!

The Groundhog said 6 more weeks of winter about 6 weeks ago. Sunday, we turn the clocks ahead as a first sign that spring is near. We are but a few days away from the ides of March. The temperature he_ Zoe:I guess, I should give it sometime and then ask.(2 April 2019) Zoe:I’m aware of how [...]

Are they considered guys dream girl to breed with and marry Would there mums expect expect them to lose their virginities to young guys before marriage.
(4 April 2019)

How about girl sitting down in the white dress.
(4 April 2019)

How do I give myself a rectal prolapse?
(4 April 2019)

I want to push out my lower intestines.
(4 April 2019)

My friend of 5 years just dumped me and I feel totally heart broken, how do I get over her?
(4 April 2019)

And don't say that it will work itself out because I honestly don't want to be friends with her if she's just gonna through me away like that.
(4 April 2019)

Do you see butt cheeks, or a penis screwing a shirt?
(4 April 2019)

Friend constantly says how fat she is?
(4 April 2019)

We are adults, in our late 20's, idk why she still acts like this.
(4 April 2019)

It makes me not want to hang out.
(4 April 2019)

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