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My girlfriend is so aggressive, hurtful, and angry, but also so kind, caring, and loving. What do I do?
(30 January 2019)

I m trying my best to see the good in her and I guess since I can t really find a good answer online, I m asking here.
(30 January 2019)

For example, yesterday she brought up something I said 5 years and screamed at me for it until I cried, but then later apologised and tried to make everything better.
(30 January 2019)

She s constantly accusing me of using her, lying to her, cheating, yelling at me and laughing at my pain whenever she does get upset.
(30 January 2019)

I like this girl a lot and we ve been together for quite some time now, but she s very difficult sometimes and I don t know how to control it.
(30 January 2019)

I'm not getting job anywhere,what do I do?
(30 January 2019)

I do not get on well with any job.
(30 January 2019)

How would a extrovert and an introvert really get on?
(30 January 2019)

He's like really clingy and even though we've talked about 3 times he is like trying his hardest to keep me interested with his extrovertness and like he knows everyone and I don't.
(30 January 2019)

I like this guy and him back but he's incredibly extroverted and well I barely leave my house.
(30 January 2019)

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