Friday 3 August 2018

Hey Beautiful ;)

For My Beautiful Friend Gypsy, You put a smile on my face my love! Love You Mama! Everyone please check out the Funny and Beautiful not_here2meet_ Malena:She’s so beautiful and the most kind, exuberant person I’ve ever met.(2 August 2018) Malena:I find her perfect and love her very much.(2 August 2018) Elise:How could I get a man 60 [...]

Hot dog addiction?
(31 July 2018)

I thought it was funny until last night I heard him talking to the fridge and I went over and he was holding a raw hot dog in his hand and whispering to it.
(31 July 2018)

He eats them almost every day and sometimes boils hotdogs and drinks the water.
(31 July 2018)

My bf has this weird thing with hotdogs.
(31 July 2018)

Should I rethink my friendship?
(31 July 2018)

I have minor social anxiety and it is hard for me to make friends so without this friendship I will have no one else. (I am not overreacting here) What should I do?
(31 July 2018)

I hope I am not overreacting, I know the world doesn't revolve around me but I can't help feel a bit pushed aside.
(31 July 2018)

Will make time for other friends but tell me he never plans anything and everything he does is spontaneous and when I am spontaneous he tells me he is busy.
(31 July 2018)

I always plan the hangouts and am always the one to make the suggestion and when we do hangout it is very brief and he always seems to be in a rush to get home.
(31 July 2018)

There will be no contact unless I instigate contact either text, email or talking in person.
(31 July 2018)

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