Thursday 8 March 2018

Holy Shit! It’s only Thursday!!

Just a short observation about having the extra day off for the holiday and returning back to work. Now, I was a lucky one and actually had a 5 day weekend due to both my daughter’s promotion/grad_ Lorette:I have tried talking to them but they don’t listen.(1 March 2018) Lorette:Is there anyway I can gain more independence?(1 [...]

How to deal with a bad child?
(4 March 2018)

Most of the time i just let her have what she wants bc she so out of control.
(4 March 2018)

Im aloud to punish her but at this point I have no clue what to do.
(4 March 2018)

She kicks, screem, bites, hits, ect.
(4 March 2018)

Hi, im a 27 year old girl and I have a baby sister who is 13 almost 14 years old.
(4 March 2018)

Would you buy Tide Pods if you had a teenager?
(4 March 2018)

Just for laundry washing, but if you had a child between ages 13-18, would you still purchase them or use liquid detergents instead?
(4 March 2018)

Have you ever dated anyone insecure or needy?
(4 March 2018)

If so what's your story, what happened, how did it end etc.
(4 March 2018)

Dating: Should I give it more time?
(4 March 2018)

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