Friday 11 August 2017

Monday Kink!

Part 1 Enjoy!_ Brittni:Everything has been great with us until I’d say about 2 months before this moving in together.(9 August 2017) Brittni:We live together in a house just signed the lease this month.(9 August 2017) Brittni:I’ve been with my gf a year now.(9 August 2017) Brittni:Okay so to make a long story short.(9 August 2017) Jeanice:How can I tell [...]

How do people become mature?
(8 August 2017)

People my age seem so much mature and look like they are in their 30s.
(8 August 2017)

So I'm 27 but still feel and act like a 20 year old.
(8 August 2017)

Girl asked me to download app on kik?
(8 August 2017)

Now she told me that I need to send her the link for her to see my points.
(8 August 2017)

Ok, so I was texting this girl and she told me to download one of the games from the website she was sending me and she would give me something in return, and I did so.
(8 August 2017)

What does his reaction mean?
(8 August 2017)

Why is my friend controlling over me if I'm her friend and not her boyfriend?
(8 August 2017)

Like she'll yell at me not to leave her and try to tell me what to do.
(8 August 2017)

Why do women offer poor career prospects than men?
(8 August 2017)

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