Heard a song on the radio today, and it reminded me that I met a particular gentleman three years ago today. To cutting a long story short, my mind reflected on a comment and response he made, today,_ Lakendra:And that’s when I realized were probably going to return to the stare offs junior year and not [...]
He's taken everything away from me, and called me a slut because i talk to boys too.
(5 August 2017)
He hates that fact that people like me, and the fact that i have friends.
(5 August 2017)
He never lets my mom out of the house by herself and treats everyone like his pet.
(5 August 2017)
He gets mad and threatens people when he doesn't get things his way.
(5 August 2017)
My step-dad is really controlling.
(5 August 2017)
How do I transitioned for an introvert to am extrovert and make more frIends and find a boyfriend?
(5 August 2017)
I am a loner and I feel like I do not have any friends, how do i CHANGE THAT?
(5 August 2017)
Why do people think hate makes a person stronger?
(5 August 2017)
Why do people think that it does?
(5 August 2017)
I used to think hate made me stronger but I never knew why.
(5 August 2017)
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