Friday 9 June 2017

Some Stuff I Learned from Here…

I couldn’t sleep, more like my face is congested from too much dairy, ergo I have a busted vessel in my eye that hurts from sinus pain and my face won’t drain. I need a hot towel or a cold face mask.._ Valeri:Is it the person who did the breaking up or the person who was [...]

Should I read his texts? It's not my fault I get high anxiety sometimes and think they could be bad. Should I or should I not?
(8 June 2017)

Don't judge me I just wanna know and see what anyone thought or thinks if anyone reads this darn post.
(8 June 2017)

I'm scared to read them. he hasn't really talked to me in 8 days starting on may 31st. should I text him back now?
(8 June 2017)

Should I just stop worrying and read them, or wait til tmrw or tonight?
(8 June 2017)

He texted me like 3 texts and I haven't seen or read them bc I get anxiety at times when it comes to us not talking and not being able to see or read them only bc I think and worry the texts will be bad.
(8 June 2017)

Why do women tend to settle for less than they wanted when getting married?
(8 June 2017)

How do I forget or push it aside?
(8 June 2017)

I'm starting to think a lot of things in my life aren't normal and a lot of things shouldn't have happened.
(8 June 2017)

How do you meet your heroes?
(8 June 2017)

She wants to know how can she meet him ?
(8 June 2017)

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