Saturday 13 May 2017

My Views On Alternative Sexual Lifestyles And Religion

From my perspective, I consider myself a sexual libertarian not restricted by religious morals or social dogma against sexual deviants. I used to tend to be conservative when I was younger, but I tend_ Yung:She was a really good friend and i was thinking of getting her a gift that she told me she wanted for [...]

I didn't want to do it over text I wanted to do it in person, but things just didn't go the right way and it'll take too much time for me to type so now I have to text her.
(13 May 2017)

My friend will not stop talking about her bf?
(13 May 2017)

However, she is proud of her stolen jewelry and him.
(13 May 2017)

I think he's a scumbag to be honest but I can't tell her without sounding like a jerk.
(13 May 2017)

She said he steals items from the lost and found for her and she was wearing one item last night he stole.
(13 May 2017)

He sneaks her into concerts for free because he is a security guard.
(13 May 2017)

I try to re-direct the conversation but everything we talk about (down to ketchup) goes back to him.
(13 May 2017)

She asks the entire dinner if she should sleep with him yet.
(13 May 2017)

However, we can not talk about anything but him.
(13 May 2017)

I am engaged and very happy myself and just got a new job.
(13 May 2017)

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