Tuesday 31 January 2017


i’m sorry. i’m still away in colorado. i’ll be here for the winter. i miss home, but work is great here; especially for the winter. i weighed my options and i decided to stick around for another f_ Dorene:But I ve never had alone time with her either.(31 January 2017) Dorene:She says she never has alone time.(31 [...]

Hey Artemisa? Can I be your friend plz?
(30 January 2017)

I'm not stalking you also, I got the feeling if I met you in real life, we could be bffs. :) And is your name spelled right?
(30 January 2017)

My boyfriend says he doesn t know if he wants this relationship , but he doesn t either want to leave me .?
(30 January 2017)

How can you fake confidence?
(30 January 2017)

Im naturally a shy person and I often get uncomfortable really quick How can I fake it..
(30 January 2017)

Friends with same interests?
(30 January 2017)

Is there any site that categorize people by multiple interests so I can find a friend with same hobbies?
(30 January 2017)

I am looking for friends from different countries.
(30 January 2017)

How to get people to stop asking me to send them my homework?
(30 January 2017)

Please help me come up with excuses i mean i have no problem sending my hw to my friends on whatsapp but then random people in my grade ask me on whatsapp to do that.
(30 January 2017)

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