Tuesday, 13 December 2016

strong-armed blogging, no.1 (catfish)

wow!!!!!!!! all these fake profiles & pics here now, “verification” is a must, now!!!! We are now asking to cam, with “new meets” here, its the only way to know who & what your dealing with!!!!!! Eve //meelp.com/blog/663745/post_3616480.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Ricarda:This week has been rough and I want to trust him but I also want to ask but [...]

What I have learned is that women will act interested and give a man their number and what not only to get him to go away, they don't want to seem rude but under the surface they are being not only rude but mean and inhuman.
(12 December 2016)

I'm written off before she gets to know me.
(12 December 2016)

But what has taken a toll on my self esteem is that when I muster up the confidence to ask out a woman and get her number on the outside she looks interested but she really was never into going out.
(12 December 2016)

I have been rejected by every single woman that I have asked out, and I understand not every women will be interested.
(12 December 2016)

Should I brake up with my boyfriend? He hit me in the face with his diick?
(12 December 2016)

Would you brake up with your boyfriend if he did this?
(12 December 2016)

Do you think I should brake up with him.
(12 December 2016)

I feel kind of bad cause I kind of was really mean after but it was such a stupid thing for him to do.
(12 December 2016)

I put all my clothes back on and just watched the movie after that I didn't even hardly say anything to him after that then I went home early.
(12 December 2016)

His D isn't like huge but I guess it's big so it definitely hurt and didn't feel good, also I didn't appreciate it on bit that he would do something immature and weird like that.
(12 December 2016)

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