Wednesday 7 December 2016

Some ponderances for the day

Hope you all had a good weekend. If you have a story you want to share, or a joke to post? Share it here… // Melva:Why do random guys I barely know keep telling me to smile?(14 November 2016) Melva:We weren’t having funny conversations, there were no jokes, they just demanded me to smile and it was [...]

My stepdad doesn't like him because he only knows that he got his ex pregnant but I don't know how to tell him that it is not his. is he worth my time?
(6 December 2016)

The next day he told me that he wants to start over with God.
(6 December 2016)

He told me that he wanted us to work but we don't have the same faith so I prayed to God about this.
(6 December 2016)

He called me and we talked for hours I actually felt happy and this has never happened to me before with anyone.
(6 December 2016)

I kept ignoring him and I felt guilty because I don't like to have enemies so he talked to me I talked to him and I haven't seen him for 3 months and I fell for him again we laughed and had fun I couldn't help falling for him.
(6 December 2016)

I like this guy last year.I am a child of God and I am going to skip forward to when things got bad he had sex with his ex but the baby is not his he gives her money because the actual father doesn't want to help so he feels bad.
(6 December 2016)

Any dope ways to ask a girl to be yours?
(6 December 2016)

I think saying will you be my girlfriend is to childish for highschool so what do I say in turn of that?
(6 December 2016)

A random guy from my college looked at me for a long time while he was smoking and another day turned his face and looked at me?
(6 December 2016)

My boyfriend hates that I hate kids?
(6 December 2016)

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