Monday 19 December 2016

Safety PIN

Walter Hunt is the inventor of the safety pin. Needing to settle a $15 debt with a friend, Hunt one day decided to invent something in order to pay off his friend. He used a piece of brass wire that w // Melany:I’m a 15yr old girl and my younger brother and I are constantly at [...]

I thought this was a younger mans problem and actually wish it would go away.
(18 December 2016)

Advice from experience people, please! I need some advice with this situation, I'm thankful for any help!?
(18 December 2016)

He isn't my friend's first boyfriend but none of her other boyfriends had a problem with me so I don't understand what's his problem, I always been nice to him.
(18 December 2016)

True or false. Men only want women for sex. Women only want men for their money and free stuff?
(18 December 2016)

The only people who seem to make being married work is couples from the 1930s and 40s.
(18 December 2016)

In this day and time in 2016 when people get married they don't stay that way for very long.
(18 December 2016)

How do I differentiate the relationship between enzymes and activation energy?
(18 December 2016)

If someone would help that would be great.
(18 December 2016)

I know that it means to tell the difference between but idk what the question is asking.
(18 December 2016)

I've tried searching it up on Google but it just tells me the relationship between them but idk what it means the differentiate their relationship.
(18 December 2016)

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