Wednesday 7 December 2016

My body stops functioning and I am like the alcoholic that enjoys the brain melting sensation

Pacing back through these memories. Climbing and stumbling down the stairs of joy and regret, bumping in the everything. Scratch surface cardboard tree branches. Toilet paper misses like an air plane target. The incessant drip of the Tao I didn’t tighten well enough in the tub._ Karole:She’s quite a bit older than me, which doesn’t … Continue reading My body stops functioning and I am like the alcoholic that enjoys the brain melting sensation

The other night we had oral and he ejaculated on his hand and mine but I thought we wiped it off well.
(5 December 2016)

My boyfriend and I have never had sex and I am on birth control.
(5 December 2016)

This is all going to sound stupid.
(5 December 2016)

How do I explain to a kid that while Santa Claus is real the Easter Bunny and Tooth Ferry are not?
(5 December 2016)

I dont want my kids to believe in Easter Bunny and Tooth Ferry (too much lying). I do want them to be told Santa is real.
(5 December 2016)

(5 December 2016)

My others friend that knew about this argument he said that a actually loved you and b never has and I got a little sad after that but u really like this dude and idk what to do.
(5 December 2016)

We argue a lot and it sometimes makes me wonder if I am ready to datebook her or if it's stillborn to early to date.
(5 December 2016)

I'm 15 and I really really am in love with this kid.
(5 December 2016)

I feel like I made a mistake choosing the same college as my bestfriend?
(5 December 2016)

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