Friday 16 December 2016

Looking for G.I. Jane!!!

I love a woman in uniform, and especially when she’s out of it! I’m a mid 40’s white male, retired Army, single, in shape, a few tats, ride a Harley, looking for someone to have fun with. Army girls, I can’t get enough of them. Love that they are tuff, will do just about anything, [...]

I feel like he is 70% at fault and I am 30% at fault.
(15 December 2016)

Am I the reason we don't see my Dad anymore like my Mom says?
(15 December 2016)

I know his drinking is another reason but I feel I am a secondary cause.
(15 December 2016)

So am I the reason like my Mom feels that we don't see him and they divorced?
(15 December 2016)

I want to go apologize to him so much but my Mom won't let me.
(15 December 2016)

This means it is caused by me even if I am not directly at fault.
(15 December 2016)

She says she divorced him to protect us.
(15 December 2016)

When I object she says again that she is protecting me and my 2 siblings from his drinking.
(15 December 2016)

She says we no longer see him because she wants to protect me from his drinking.
(15 December 2016)

Should I break up with my boyfriend because I don't have fun with him?
(15 December 2016)

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