Monday 19 December 2016

keep trying

Parentmouse and mithums keep seeing you hope we can chat on im // Tamela:Our family came over for Thanksgiving and hes been so embarrasing.(27 November 2016) Delois:This or that nickname edition?(27 November 2016) Soila:Why do men look at a woman’s groin area and then her boobs at the first glance when they encounter a beautiful sexy woman?(27 November [...]

The relationship got more and more unhealthy.
(17 December 2016)

Then, we were so focused on fixing things that we forgot to enjoy ourselves in the relationship.
(17 December 2016)

Then in June we had a big disconnect and a fight.
(17 December 2016)

For the first six months it was the greatest relationship either one of us ever had.
(17 December 2016)

At the beginning of sophomore year, she developed feelings on me.
(17 December 2016)

We became best friends and I secretly crushed on her.
(17 December 2016)

I met this amazing girl at college my freshman year.
(17 December 2016)

My mom is relapsing?
(17 December 2016)

I have finals next week and I can t focus knowing she is probably tied down to a hospital bed somewhere believing the devil is taking her over.
(17 December 2016)

I feel alone and I have no idea what to do.
(17 December 2016)

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