Monday 5 December 2016

Just a quick hello

So, im back after a bit of a hiatus and I notice quite a few changes in here. But somehow the more things change the more they remain the same. Not sure if I’m happy to be back yet, that remains to be // Norman:We’re trying so hard to just be friends & nothing is working.(13 [...]

I asked him if I could ask her out and he said yes.
(5 December 2016)

So my best friend still has a little cruch on her but he's trying to date this other girl now.
(5 December 2016)

Well he tried to get her but she eventually told him she's not interested and to leave her alone.
(5 December 2016)

Now my best friend told me freshman year that he liked her so I never made a move.
(5 December 2016)

I always catch her starring at me and a lot of the times I catch her starring at my genital area.
(5 December 2016)

So there is this girl I've liked ever since freshman year(I'm a senior now) and I'm pretty sure she likes me too.
(5 December 2016)

Why does everybody think I should be in a committed relationship?
(5 December 2016)

He basically called me a sinner and told me I need to find a wife.
(5 December 2016)

One of the leaders at church even had a frank discussion with me where he laid out points as to why it's important for men to settle down with a woman.
(5 December 2016)

I was also in a small group at church, and everyone there keeps trying to set me up on dates.
(5 December 2016)

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