Tuesday 20 December 2016

However I am including kilobar transactions and they are very suspect at best

First of all: in 2015 for the 12 months: 51 tonnes delivered upon for an average of 4.25 tonnes per month. For most of us this election is like nothing we have ever seen. Polling is also proving an area of some debate when it comes to the swing voters, are there as many [...]

What should I do before sex?
(19 December 2016)

What do guys typically do before sex, take a shower, what to eat, what is y'alls routine?
(19 December 2016)

Im 18 years old and i had 2 girlfriends,my first girlfriend was nice and we were togheter over a year and we broke up i moved on very quickly i wasnt even upset alot.
(19 December 2016)

Is it wrong to marry your girlfriend because you got her pregnant?
(19 December 2016)

We have been dating for 3 months and she just found out that she is pregnant.
(19 December 2016)

Is it my job to initiaite another meeting with this girl?
(19 December 2016)

So after a few weeks, should I try to initiate another meeting?
(19 December 2016)

When we met she said never initiates anything.
(19 December 2016)

This girl I met tried to schedule a day to have dinner but we are both really busy and she told me she might get a hold of me when things slow down for her.
(19 December 2016)

What do you think of the name Samuel?
(19 December 2016)

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