Wednesday 21 December 2016

Global investment conditions are fairly balanced with risks and opportunities

The result does come with unknowns, but remember, the market is rarely free of political uncertainties. Since 1944, the stock market has declined 66% of the time on the day after a presidential election. While it might be tempting, avoid the urge to make changes to your strategy or your portfolio because of the election._ … Continue reading Global investment conditions are fairly balanced with risks and opportunities

I don't know if i like him or not. What do you guys think?
(20 December 2016)

Why is having a good time with this one good friend of mine suddenly leaving me slightly depressed?
(20 December 2016)

I'm here to be his moral support, so you see the confliction.
(20 December 2016)

He usually tells me what's up, so I'm not going to pry.
(20 December 2016)

Somethings bothering him but, he's not letting on.
(20 December 2016)

We stick to taking each other's mind off things while we hangout, now he's acting slightly reserved.
(20 December 2016)

Ever since women entered the workforce divorce rates have risen dramatically?
(20 December 2016)

This maybe the cause for so many struggling women in marriages today.
(20 December 2016)

My thought is that the huge shift from traditional house to modern working wives has caused more stress and demands on mothers today.
(20 December 2016)

Why am I not over him yet?
(20 December 2016)

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