Wednesday 7 December 2016


Do you have good taste and enjoy the finer things, but can’t afford them ? Do you like the company of more mature men ? Are you fit and sexy and over 18 ? Perfect ! I am looking to share fine dining, the arts and lots of travel with you. I am fit, attractive, [...]

I get that saying person is more appropriate but if someone refers to me as that white girl I wouldn't get annoyed because you didn't say that Dominican over there.
(6 December 2016)

Can my parents make me get an abortion at 17?
(6 December 2016)

I have a job already, but my boyfriend is REALLY HURT over the fact that my mom is trying to make me abort it . I've tried talking to my mom but she just isn't going for it.
(6 December 2016)

I'll be 18 in May of 2017. My boyfriends mom doesn't agree with abortions AT ALL, when I told her . She said she will make sure her son gets a job and be just as responsible as I am.
(6 December 2016)

My mom is DETERMINED to make me get an abortion.
(6 December 2016)

My dad hasn't said anything to me yet.
(6 December 2016)

So I am 17 my boyfriend is 19 . My parents are aware that I am pregnant however, soon as I told my mom she said I have to get an abortion.
(6 December 2016)

First off I'll start by saying I DONT WANT AN ABORTION.
(6 December 2016)

I had an amazing night, why do I want to cry?
(6 December 2016)

Finally went, it was amazing, and now I'm home feeling lime I want to cry but can't find the tears?
(6 December 2016)

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