Friday 23 December 2016

Beautiful Day To Go For a Walk

Such a humid day but none the less a nice day to go for a walk in the park, sit down together, and get to know each other at Rittenhouse Square. I will be turning 29 years old on the 29th of this month, I work, drive, go to school, and I have lots of [...]

My husband still goes out almost every evening 3-4 hours to our normal hangouts while I'm at home with the baby.
(22 December 2016)

Always hung out somewhere after work.
(22 December 2016)

My husband and I have never been homebody type people.
(22 December 2016)

I just met a few girls and we started talking, but I can't tell what they want from me.
(22 December 2016)

Why does my girlfriend talk more to others than me?
(22 December 2016)

Also, when people ask her if her and I are dating, she says no, and I don t know why.
(22 December 2016)

I have a feeling that she is just afraid of saying the wrong thing, and just decides to not say anything.
(22 December 2016)

I mean, it took her 3 years to ask me out.
(22 December 2016)

She has a history of being very shy.
(22 December 2016)

She has trouble starting conversations, so I usually do.
(22 December 2016)

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