Wednesday 26 October 2016

You need attention?

Im looking for a milf for a ltr or fwb type of thing. Im latino in good shape very clean and would love to find a sexy milf, race does not matter please sent a picture with your replay the ones on ad are my real pics. // Sharlene:Anyway, I don’t really know [...]

I have no idea how to flirt- and I have never had sex as a result.
(26 October 2016)

People have told me that I totally miss social cues and sometimes I just find people confusing.
(26 October 2016)

I don't seem to connect with other people.
(26 October 2016)

It's been like that for months now.
(26 October 2016)

Anyway, recently ive been trxting her and she's always offline and doesn't respond with days or comes around later than usual and talks for 10 mins at least and goes to bed.
(26 October 2016)

Anyway, when i disapear for a month she wouldn't even text me but when I do it she seems to enjoy it but is a little grumpy.
(26 October 2016)

Though she did seem to enjoy talking to me.
(26 October 2016)

Well I used to text this girl everyday for a year straight but she was never the one to start the convo.
(26 October 2016)

Is it just me or everywhere I go always will be a scientist looking guy wearing glass giving that weird looking to me or to someone like?
(26 October 2016)

Something weird is going on, speacial when there's is a line ?
(26 October 2016)

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