Thursday, 20 October 2016

strange how…..

An observation on comments…[image1][image2] // Breanne:Should I text the girl I like right now?(10 October 2016) Kyoko:How long should i wait to ask her out on a date?(10 October 2016) Kyoko:I suggested a movie and she was all for it. should I suggest something else next time I ask her out?(10 October 2016) Kyoko:We are really good friends and [...]

Is he being friendly or does he like me?
(20 October 2016)

She wasn't there the day he spoke to me though.
(20 October 2016)

In addition, I can't tell if one of the group members is his girlfriend or just a friend, but they are together in class.
(20 October 2016)

I know this may sound weird but by end of the conversation, I felt giddy and excited.So, I'm not sure if he was flirting or just a nice guy who was confident about the project.
(20 October 2016)

And as we were talking and he was facing me, I noticed that he leaned against the nearby door.
(20 October 2016)

As he was talking to me, I kind of got the sense that he didn't really care if the other members in the group were able to meet with us.
(20 October 2016)

He also smiled at me, with his teeth, as he saw me walk into class, which I'm not used to him doing.
(20 October 2016)

He normally sticks to a hat and t-shirt, but he was semi-formal.
(20 October 2016)

I noticed that his appearance was a little more polished.
(20 October 2016)

Anyway, I saw one of the guys in the group in class, and he came up to me to speak about a time to meet.
(20 October 2016)

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