Thursday 20 October 2016

One man waved a large Colombian flag that had an extra white stripe in homage to the peace deal

Attendees observed a minute of silence in memory of those killed, maimed, raped, kidnapped and displaced during the war. Showing its support for the peace deal, the European Union on Monday removed the FARC from its list of terror groups. Colombians will vote on Oct. 2 on whether to ratify the agreement, but polls show…

He is 20 & I'm 21. He approached me two weeks ago saying hi you are so beautiful do you have a boyfriend and could I get your social media.
(19 October 2016)

I m pregnant and cleaned my microwave with bleach and vinegar??
(19 October 2016)

My microwave had mold in it from when I evacuated from the flood so I wiped it down with vineger and then with bleach.
(19 October 2016)

6 days late on period. Negative test, very moody?
(19 October 2016)

I have had some mood swings and I feel so bad for my hubby lol but that's all I have is a missed period and some mood swings.
(19 October 2016)

I don't have any sickness although I was slightly nauseous this morning when I woke up but nothing serious.
(19 October 2016)

I have taken 3 HPT's and all have been negative.
(19 October 2016)

I'm not stressed anymore than what I usually am.
(19 October 2016)

I'm 24 years old and healthy, I exercise daily(Army makes me lol) and I don't smoke or drink so I'm not sure why my period is delayed.
(19 October 2016)

My period usually hits me on the 14th of each month.
(19 October 2016)

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