Friday 14 October 2016

Oh What a Feeling!

[image]Oh, and happy hump day! // Linda:This is where it gets bad… although I knew he still likes me, I told him I longer had feelings for him to see if it would take off the pressure.(4 October 2016) Linda:For some odd reason, he was still acting very awkward around me.(4 October 2016) Linda:I reinstalled my messenger and [...]

Is it good if people think I'm dating the girl I have a crush on?
(13 October 2016)

I've just never experienced this before and I'm curious.
(13 October 2016)

I'm probably not going to bother trying to date her anyway, as if I remember correctly, her parents don't allow her to date.
(13 October 2016)

I mean, I've done things that might have constituted a relationship, like brushing the hair out of her face or whatever, but it's not like I kiss her, hug her, or anything of the sort.
(13 October 2016)

We just have a lot in common and get along pretty well.
(13 October 2016)

I've never dated anyone, or came anywhere close, so I don't know if this is good.
(13 October 2016)

So, I'm a senior in high school, and people either think I'm dating this freshman girl, or think we should.
(13 October 2016)

Should I stop all contact with her?
(13 October 2016)

She messaged me after 5 years wants to reconnect and be friends again but I don't.
(13 October 2016)

I still care about her but want to move on.
(13 October 2016)

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